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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Smack Down

I've been trying not to blog about how bad it has been getting with Caleb. I'm trying to be grateful that I only have to keep him on task for half of the day now that school has started. Instead of having a variety of meltdowns dispersed throughout the whole day (like the summer), he compacts them into the few hours we are together. And, they are doozies. The fact that he had to change schools probably isn't helping. He has to get used to a whole new set of friends, teachers, and routines. It can be a little much.

I am seeing a little glimmer of hope. We've been working on helping him get to the toilet right when he gets home. He holds it all day and before it was a huge fight to even get him to go into the bathroom. He would just pee all over and then I would have to fight with him to get him to take his pants off. Now I've got it worked into his schedule and he gets a reward when he goes into the bathroom (usually a fruit snack). It is still a struggle to get him into the bathroom the rest of the day but we've got a good system now for right after school. It only took 6 weeks! Now it is time to work on the next problem areas.

His latest issue is with the car. For the past week he's been taking his seat belt off while I'm driving and then smacking me in the face...or throwing his shoes at my head...or pounding Eva. While. I. Am. DRIVING!!! I pull over as soon as I can and get him back in his seat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Until we make it home. Any punishment is lost on him. We're stumped. His teachers are stumped. The social workers are stumped. I've got an appointment with a behavioral psychologist but she's swamped and we can't get an appointment until November 15th. The silver lining? It's getting bad enough that the social worker is going to make a special call to the psychologist to see if we can get an "emergency appointment".

I'm even willing to consider medication. I wonder what they'll prescribe ME?


  1. Hey girl Hang in There... I sent you an e-mail about a seat belt lock that will not allow a child to unbuckle. I thought this might be the first try :) Also I used to work with a kid that had similar outburst. So I kept a basket in the floor board for his shoes. You may even consider moving Eva to the back where she is safe or vice versa. Give me a call so I can fill you in with updates on Samuel.

  2. I wondered how things were going, I'm sorry to hear that they're this much fun. Hang in there, and let us know when things get better.

  3. Hey girl, it seems like a rough spat going here, but you will make it through. No advice as I don't have any kids and turtles aren't likely to unbuckle, but I know someone will find something that works. Keep truckin!

  4. That sounds horrible. I think I'd be afraid to go anywhere and then be miserable about being trapped at home. I'm so glad you have a support network of professionals to help you. I hope this is a short phase that he'll be over soon. Take care.

  5. Goodness, that sounds rough. I hope you get some good ideas from somebody.
    Hang in there.

  6. That sounds really, really, hard. Something that would require a huge amount of patience and stamina. I wish I had some advice!

  7. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I wish I had some solutions too! I'm sorry it's so hard. We will be praying for you all.

  8. You're an amazing Mom and I know you have helped Caleb so much already. If anyone can do this it's you! We'll keep you in our prayers.
