There has been some controversy in the International Knit-Off and has resulted in my being disqualified. It's too bad for the eventual winner because it will always be tainted that it should have been me! Here is what happened:
There is a yahoo group set up for the competition.
In the files section there are rules and regulations.
The rules state clearly:
The Rules
The first person to complete their game wins and goes through to the next round.
For a game to be considered complete you must take a picture of your finished item and post it in the yahoo group pictures area as proof of finishing and timestamp. First in the game to post is the winner. Without picture post proof you will be disqualified.
If you'll recall, I was busting my bum to finish before I had to be at my knitting guild meeting. I did. I didn't just post a picture, I also posted a message to the group stating that I had finished.
My competition hadn't even checked her email for the pattern before I was finished!
I assumed I was the winner of the round.
This weekend, we got an email listing the participants for round 3 (the final 8!). I wasn't on it. I posted to the group questioning that rationale.
Apparently, I didn't send a personal email to the person in charge so my competitor wins. was never stated in the official rules to do so.
But, wait! It was brought to my attention by another participant that in post #90 something was said about emailing, too.
Oh, of course! Post #90. How could I have missed something so obvious? *oozing sarcasm* I would think that if there was something this important, the rules file should have been updated. Am I wrong?
This competition is run by the same person that did Sock Wars. Sock Wars was a logisitical disaster. It was poorly run and was marred with confusion. I only consented to do the International Knit-off because I thought that what was so bad about Sock Wars had been solved with this new style of competition. I should have been clued in when the very first pattern chosen was a scarf (we were given a requirement of DK weight yarn---for a scarf!) and the pattern didn't give any indication on when to stop! We were just knitting and knitting waiting for the person in charge to give us an indication of how long it needed to be and she was missing for 2 whole days.
I'm disappointed it ended this way. I guess I'll just have to continue being the Queen of all Knitting in my head...and never, ever enter another competition by this person again!*
There's always the State Fair.
*Although, I'm pretty sure that after all this snarking I'm banned from future competitions anyway.
It Was the Russian Judge