I'm recovering from illness, Big Apple is teething, and the Frog has been having more meltdowns a day than I can count (so much for my good week). Sugar Daddy is just annoyed that I keep calling him at work telling him that I can't make it through the day without feeling like someone is going to die or I'm going to pull a Marie Osmond and leave my family for a few days. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have LPS Early Intervention providing services to our family. I know I said that I was going to wait 6 months to have Frog tested for autism but after seeing his preliminary testing, it's pretty obvious. If it isn't autism, he has definite pervasive developmental delays. I checked a couple books out of the library and have been doing some limited internet research but I'm having a hard time coming up with some real strategies on how to deal with his meltdowns and keep ourselves safe. I feel silly saying that a 3 year old can beat me up, but it's true. Yesterday I was alone with the kids for a while and Frog started hitting me. I was holding BA and trying to keep her safe but I have this 40+ lb kid on my back smacking my head and tearing off my glasses. I was crying (OF COURSE!) and that just makes him even more angry and it becomes a vicious cycle. Two minutes after this particular incident he was singing "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" and wanting to cuddle with me. He makes me so mad and then so happy. It's emotionally gut wrenching. Aargh! At any rate, I know that help is on the way and I can get through this. At least I know it's not my poor parenting skills that are to blame. Let's blame genetics, okay?

No denying the cuteness, eh? Even with his eyes closed. And check out this one! I took this a couple of days ago while I was blogging. At least she wasn't hanging off the computer desk. She was just chillin' underneath it.
Blah, blah, blech
Yuck, that stinks. Just tell me what I can do to help. You are always welcome to come over here and let the tantrums happen. Molly was a fabulous tantrum thrower. Not with the hitting though (ouch.) Here's hoping for a better day.
ReplyDeleteI'll come over today! We could watch American Idol again on your t-vo or whatever else you got?? I'll bring the Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke. We could also go somewhere, I still have to return that stupid tie. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteHollie- I'm getting ready to go to the Y. Are you up for it today?
ReplyDeleteMy Kenzie is still asleep! I checked in there a few minutes ago to make shure she was still alive and she moved. Still sleeping though.
ReplyDeletesure.........I can spell
ReplyDeleteYou are doing great. I wish I could come over and take the kids for a day and help you out. I am so glad that you have a support network there!! Hang in there.
What can I do?
Bek, I wish you could hire out your upstairs maid! What I wouldn't give for a little helper like that! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're doing great Mommy Nelson, hang in there and take it one day at a time!
ReplyDeleteIf this makes you feel better, Tristan is throwing the mother of all fits in the kitchen. He is in trouble for sneaking a box of Fruit Streamers out of the school store groceries and cramming as many as he could in his mouth when I looked in the rearview mirror and told him to put those down because they were for the school and not us. Then, he ran away from me in the Wal-Mart parking lot. He has been tested and, finding nothing wrong, it can only be concluded that it's because I'm a bad parent. At least you have some preliminary results that indicate Frog's problems are in no way a reflection of you or Sugar Daddy.
ReplyDeleteChristy, please call if you ever are in need of a break. I know I'm at work during the day, but in the evenings or on the weekends, I can help. Hang in there, you're doing great!!!
ReplyDeleteMelessa--bummer! Let's blame society in general for Tristan...and his exposure to the crazies at that preschool...and all the sugar from those fruit streamers!
ReplyDeleteDeb--I was gonna see if I could help you out in some way this weekend for the big move. I've got something for your "housewarming". Well, at least I will by this weekend.
oh christy! i KNOW what your going through! it took over a year too get hillard diagnosed.. finally the school district phycologists had to do it...the medical field doesn't like to "label" so my heart is with your guys! i know about the meltdowns, and it seems every autistic child i have heard of is unusually strong for their age ;)
ReplyDeleteOh don't even worry about me, girl! We've got plenty of help for moving.... you are more than welcome to stop by anytime if you want, though.
ReplyDeleteAre you working on some baby booties for me????? ;)
Deb-the baby booties are done! I'm just waiting for you, now. I've got something else in the works for your house (non-knitted goodies).