I have nothing too exciting to blog about today. However, there is an excellent post on adoption over at Feminist Mormon Housewives if you feel so inclined. I thought I'd include some pictures of the kids.
Caleb had a good day yesterday. He didn't have any accidents (he also didn't go #2) and most of the time he came to me to ask to go. I usually have to ask him. I say "First potty, then popsicle" when I know he needs to go. The other day I made a chocolate cake. Caleb calls all cake "birthday cake". Yesterday he came up to me on his own and said, "first potty, then BIRTHDAY CAKE!". He got his cake.
Eva has learned how to climb up the ladder to the swingset. She climb up and slide down all by herself. She really is adventurous. She's also getting 4 more teeth so that's not so fun.
I wondered if you had read that or not. I hope I'm not in trouble with Sugar Daddy for showcasing their website on my blog.