Enrichment was last night. It was a pot luck and the theme was "Feasting Upon the Words of Christ". It was probably really good. I made my crazy breadsticks and sent them without me. I spent the evening in bed once Carl got home. I didn't sleep, but I did rest. I also watched Dancing with the Stars.

After Dancing with the Stars, they previewed the new William Shatner game show, Show Me the Money. They've got girls like Deal or No Deal but these are "dancers". Kind of slutty. We probably won't watch this show regularly--but not because we're against slutty, it's just not that good. Here were some highlights.
The contestant was Matt Marr. What? We freaked out for a second thinking it was Wendy's husband but then they said he was from Oklahoma (and he spelled his name with two 'r's. It was this guy with a man purse...admittedly homosexual. William Shatner introduced the dancers by saying something like, "This may not be your thing, but we've got 13 beautiful dancers!"
I guess this blog is about how I did nothing but lie in bed and watch tv last night. I also got to sleep in this morning since Carl got Caleb ready for the bus all by himself. I'm actually feeling better today. Eva is feeling better today, too. She was a stinker yesterday but I couldn't blame her...I was too! Tomorrow it's back to the gym.
I'm gald you two are feeling beter! Its always good to rest and watch a little tv! We should all do it a bit more often.