I didn't really have too much left to tell about. Once we got to my dad's house we opened some more presents. The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE to visit with Sam and Joe. We played on the playstation some more and Caleb played on the drums.

They got lots of toys and loved all of them. I don't think my dad and Joan care that we were serenaded all the way home by a Backyardigans toy and a Leapfrog radio. The kids were happy so I can't complain.
We spent one more day in Oklahoma. There were some carpenters coming to work at my mom's so we had to take the kids out for most of the morning. I went with my mom and the kids to Garden Ridge and Wal Mart. Shopping the day after Christmas wasn't too bad. While we were gone, the guys fixed our van and when we came back in the afternoon we just hung out. I finished up a pair of socks I was making for Greg. Lisa gave Carl a haircut. We went into the hot tub one last time.
We packed up the next day and came home. The end.
Christmas Part II
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